ALLCOT Trading

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REDD + Project


The REDD+ PAZcífico Sur Project is an initiative developed in 18 Afro-descendant communities in the Department of Nariño, the objective is to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in 371,749 hectares over 20 years of life with conservation, improvement and increase of water reservoirs. carbon. Social, economic, cultural and ecological improvement are important factors for achieving objectives. The main activities are related to community empowerment, capacity development and a sense of belonging to natural resources. ​

REDD+ PAZcífico Sur projects the reduction of 9,416,407 tCO2e during its credit period with an annual average of 470,820 tCO2e. Also including the total emission of 1,103,548 tCO2e within its leak belt. Reduced emissions within the project boundary are calculated taking into account the release of CO2e in the carbon pools of aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, dead wood, litter and soil organic carbon. ​

Additionally, the project seeks to generate positive externalities on the biodiversity and socioeconomic environment of the community, through forest management and conservation plans, resource flow and design of new production alternatives related to conservation, forest management and protection of mangroves. It is important to show how these production dynamics are preserved within the territories where the project is improving and designing value chains associated with eco products in a way that strengthens the socio-economic and productive dynamics of the territories.​

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    18.000 Tons.

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