Approved in 2020, The European Green Deal is the EU’s response to the Paris Agreement. It is the answer to the ongoing climate crisis.
The European Commission unveiled the European Green Deal, a road to become a climate-neutral continent by 2050. European Climate Law also includes the goals of climate neutrality for 2050 and the target of reducing emissions by 55% for 2030. The main targets are:
- To ensure an economic growth decoupled from resource use.
- No net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.
- To leave no person and no place behind
So far, the following measures have been taken into consideration:
The presentation of the European Green Deal.
- Proposal for EU Climate Law and Circular Economy Action Plan
- UE Green Deal Investment Presentation Plan
- Adoption of the Industrial Strategy.
- Farm to fork Strategy Presentation, to make the food system more sustainable.
- Strategy for sustainable and smart mobility and sector integration.
- New EU Forest Strategy.
- Zero pollution action plan
- European Climate Law enters into force.
The legislation that will allow Europe to reach the Green Deal is settled down in the Fit for 55 package, presented by the commission in 2021.
Fit for 55
The package of Legislative proposals will enable the European Union to reduce its net green house gas emission. The objective of this package is to provide a coherent and balance framework in order to reach the climate objectives of the EU that:
- Contribute to the European Green Deal objective of the EU-wide climate neutrality by 2050
- Reduce net EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55% below 1990 levels by 2030
- Stimulate the creation of green jobs and maintain the EU’s record of cutting greenhouse gas emission while growing its economy.
- Ensure that the transition is fair and leaves no-one behind.
The proposed regulatory framework also takes into account the energy sector, including district heating and cogeneration, land use and forestry, the road transport sector and energy taxation:
Package includes, among other:
- Changes in Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
- Effort sharing regulation
- Amendment to the Renewable Energy Directive to implement the ambition of the new 2030 climate target.
- Directive on energy efficiency
- Regulation setting new CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
- Regulation on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry.
- Revision of the Energy Tax Directive
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Measures contemplated in the “European Green Deal”
What measures does the “European Green Deal” contemplate to curb the effects of climate change?
Clean energy in the European Green Deal

The production and use of energy accounts for more than 75% of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Therefore, decarbonizing this sector is essential for a sustainable continent.
A sustainable industry for Europe

A big percentage of European emissions correspond to the industry. It causes 20% of emissions and only 12% of the material used comes from recycled materials.
Sustainable mobility, healthy mobility for the environment

A quarter of the European Union’s emissions correspond to the transport sector. The Green Pact proposes and promotes the use of cleaner, more efficient and healthier public and private transport.
Protect biodiversity and ecosystems, natural and urban

The European Green Deal will also promote biodiversity and ecosystems. These policies start by improving the quality of the oceans and forests.
Today’s climate and environmental challenges require an urgent and ambitious response. The EU has committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, fulfilling its commitment under the international Paris Agreement. To achieve this objective, it is necessary the transformation of the European economy and society, which will have to be profitable, equitable and socially balanced.
To summarise, the European Green Deal is the EU’s strategy to achieve its goal of climate neutrality by 2050 and the “Goal 55” legislative package will hopefully make the EU’s ambition a reality.
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