ALLCOT Trading

ALLCOT Trading

Carbon Credits and ITMOS, what is the difference?  

Carbon credits and ITMOs (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes) are used in the context of climate change mitigation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. To understand what their similarities and differences are, it is important to know what they are, how they work and under what settings they can be used. 

Ship It Zero

Ship it zero

The heavy reliance of retail companies specializing in the maritime shipping industry, which transport products across the world, leads to untold environmental and public health impacts. Climate change is a global challenge that knows no borders. Emissions from anywhere affects people everywhere. Therefore, it is crucial that everyone plays their part in limiting emissions by …

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digital carbon footprint

Digital Carbon Footprint

The digital carbon footprint refers to pollution that cannot be seen, and comes from greenhouse gasses (GHG). This pollution happens mainly in activities related to the internet’s use. The Digital Carbon Footprint (DCF) has been a proposal to analyze the environmental impact of something characterizing modern society: digitalization. In the last couple of decades, a …

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plastic credits price

Plastic Credits: How Much Do They Cost? Factors that influence the price of plastic credit

Plastic credits, what are they exactly? Did you know that the first piece of plastic ever produced in 1862 and all of the plastic produced since then still exists on our planet? Let that sink in for a moment. The problem of plastic pollution is getting more and more concerning with the formation of a …

Plastic Credits: How Much Do They Cost? Factors that influence the price of plastic credit Read More »

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